The so used sentence of a wedding being a two families becoming one was never truer than that day. Group pictures never tend to be my favorite but they were in this wedding, specially the ones that showed the great team Laura and her sisters with Dani and his brothers were. 

I believe the world becomes a better place with every act of love, thatโ€™s the power of weddings, two people that love each other gather everyone else they love and then celebrate. We are so lucky to do what we do.

As the years have passed in this line of work, one thing becomes abundantly clear - it's not the grandeur or extravagance that matters to us, but the genuine love that emanates from the couple and their loved ones. Thatโ€™s what makes us leave a wedding and exhale happiness and gratitude for the job we have. 

Many times during Laura and Daniโ€™s wedding day I smiled looking at them and thought it was so nice that this two beautiful humans had found each other.

Laura & Dani

Weddings make the world a better place.

Watch the video at the end of this page.


Alejandra & Miguel - Ullastret - Empordร 


Alex & Gonzalo - Castell de Benviure - Barcelona